The Angers contacted Net Ingenuity in response to our ad on craigslist. There were only 3 weeks before they were to embark on a six-month wilderness expedition along the famed Pacific Crest Trail. They had the domain name registered and WordPress installed on a host, but nothing more. Net Ingenuity designed a custom theme that reflected the landscape of their journey, built the pages as required, and coached Michael Anger on how to add blog posts and fill in the tables with their gear data.
The site had to be not only responsive for mobile devices, but Michael needed to be able to edit and update the site using the WordPress mobile app from his phone when they reached a place with wifi.
He wrote this Google Review and gave us 5 stars:
I highly recommend Net Ingenuity’s services. I was in way over my head with with a last minute website development project. Karen came on board and has constructed a first-rate site under a tight timeline that achieved everything that I envisioned and more.
And, the client wrote me this in an email:
The site is already a big hit at my work. I think half of the office spent the afternoon surfing the site instead of working. I would have never accomplished this without you. I can’t thank you enough. It is a product that I can be very proud of you (and of course you should also).