512 328-4456 info@netingenuity.com

Andersen Ceramics

An independent designer of custom tiles wanted his old site, which had been built with Dreamweaver and which he could not edit, rebuilt in WordPress so he could update it himself. Net Ingenuity created a custom template, site architecture, copy editing, and installation of WordPress plugins for Search Engine Optimization and the display of the hundreds of unique designs, layouts and color options for his products. A couple of hours of training via remote desktop sharing and telephone, provided the client the training necessary to manage the site himself. Almost all the content was put on the site by the tile designer, and he maintains total control over the many galleries that display photos and details about his products.

“Thank You Karen, I have been getting compliments on the new site, you deserve a lot of the credit for that. Do a Google images search for “high relief backsplash tile” and see how I dominate this category. Thanks for all your good work.” — Neal Andersen, Andersen Ceramics