512 328-4456 info@netingenuity.com

Light Inner Light

Read, listen, and watch, at no cost, so as to light your own inner light with priceless wisdom in the form of daily inspiration, free books, questions answered and daily talks on many spiritual topics. This WordPress website offers audio libraries, video files, custom post types, rotating quotations. ebooks, flip books, secure online ordering, and more.

The Search Engine Optimization that Net Ingenuity did on the site was overly successful. On Dec 14, 2017, the site received more than 2000 orders in a single day. The high demand forced the client to remove from the site for two months the offer of free books. Instead, people visited the ebooks and read other content while the distribution center scrambled to keep up with demands. The Free Books page was restored as of March 1, 2018, the site again began accepting orders for free books. After just over a fortnight the number of orders exceeding our warehouse’s capacity. To ensure that all orders would be received, free of charge, as advertised, the free books offer was again pulled back off of the site, temporarily.  This pattern will continue throughout the coming years so that the client will be able to monitor order at a pace that can be fulfilled.